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For those that don’t know my term, LSD means Least Stressful Decision. 

Take the LSD


In my daily life, I have highs and lows all over the place. Where is the LSD amidst all of it? I have to be intentional to look at each problem thoroughly to determine the LSD. 


At its simplest equation, "Take the LSD"

means for me to give whatever situation I am facing over to God first. That means all of it; the good, the bad, and the ugly! If I had to score myself on a regular basis, I take the LSD most of the time, but there are several times where I don't make that choice. Those times are due to me not being intentional with my decision making process. 

Actively, taking the LSD can look like forgiving someone who made me angry. My anger doesn’t affect that person. It only affects me and the people in my life. Giving that problem to God, and letting go is the absolute least stressful decision. At the core of any anger, the problem is simply that an expectation wasn't met. Another LSD I can take is to ensure expectations are clearly communicated. 

For me to have joy in my life, I have to take the LSD all the time. I have to let God fight my fights, I have to be still to listen to the Holy Spirit, and I have to keep moving forward. Yes, I can do all of that at the same time when I make the free will choice to take the LSD. 

Serving My Future Self

Take the LSD is a way to serve my future self to be less stressed, which helps him not hesitate to serve whoever God puts in his path. 

Flight attendants show us all how to affix the emergency oxygen mask to ourselves before we help the person beside us. This is the premise for why it is important to serve my future self. 

If I can keep my future self less stressed, then I can be ready to help the next person. 

I can look at my past self for reference. He knows what has worked and what hasn't in most situations. The key is listening to him so he can coach my current self to Take the LSD to ensure my future self has the best chance of being successful. 

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